Do You See Amanda Again After the First Date Sleepinh Dogs

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I've done 1 date each for the 3 of them. Ane of them constitute out and dumped me and I haven't been able to telephone call whatsoever of them since then. I idea it may take been considering I needed to exist further in the game merely I'chiliad pretty deep in and still tin't call whatever of them. Tin can you do any other missions for them or are in that location just 1 each?

Avatar image for molenator85

Man, I thought this was a much different question until I saw it was nether Sleeping Dogs. As for what you're actually request, no idea, just started the game last nighttime.

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Dammit I thought this was going to exist a great thread. I was so excited.

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Yous've come up to the right... err... wait... never mind.

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information technology's just one appointment for each of them. they really only exist to put the collectibles on the map

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Epic potential in this thread.

EDIT: Nevermind.

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@AjayRaz said:

information technology's but ane date for each of them. they really but exist to put the collectibles on the map

Well that's disappointing. Are at that place only iii girls to appointment in the game and then? If so so what's the point in one of the finding out and dumping yous?

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@PlasmaBeam44 said:

@AjayRaz said:

it'due south simply one date for each of them. they really just exist to put the collectibles on the map

Well that's disappointing. Are there only 3 girls to date in the game then? If and so and so what's the signal in 1 of the finding out and dumping y'all?

To give the illusion in that location is more to it. This attribute of the game is my one issue with it. I was hoping for multiple mission with them. Sadly, it is but an excuse for collectibles every bit said. It is simply handled so poorly.

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@theguy said:

Dammit I idea this was going to exist a dandy thread. I was and so excited.

We're all disappointed.

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I ask myself this question everyday.

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@ImmortalSaiyan said:

@PlasmaBeam44 said:

@AjayRaz said:

it's just one date for each of them. they really only exist to put the collectibles on the map

Well that's disappointing. Are at that place merely 3 girls to date in the game so? If then then what's the betoken in one of the finding out and dumping yous?

To give the illusion there is more to it. This aspect of the game is my 1 issue with it. I was hoping for multiple mission with them. Sadly, it is just an excuse for collectibles as said. It is just handled so poorly.

I approximate I don't feel so bad nearly shooting the girl who dumped me in the head then.

Avatar image for sooperspy

I'm pretty sure the game glitched on me and I was merely able to go on a single date with Emma Stone and was pretty bummed.

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@Molenator85 said:

Human being, I thought this was a much different question until I saw information technology was under Sleeping Dogs.

Same, I read it in Borats voice

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I ask myself this question everyday.

Nosotros all do, sir. We all do.

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@PlasmaBeam44: You lot proceed 1-2 dates with each ane and they unlock or tutorialize certain aspects of the game for you. They are really there to progress game mechanics rather than exist an actual part of the side-game. Every date is naturally occurring in the main storyline, apart maybe from the Russian girl which I think you have to seek out yourself, or perhaps the female cop gives yous a pb on her. Once they disappear from your phone thats it, yous're done with that girl.

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@Humanity said:

Every date is naturally occurring in the main storyline, autonomously possibly from the Russian girl which I think you take to seek out yourself

Not really. She is directly tied into the last Constabulary case and you lot don't date the female cop - you date Tiffany, Vivienne's friend and she unlocks the last batch of races.

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@Redbullet685 said:

I'm pretty sure the game glitched on me and I was only able to keep a single date with Emma Stone and was pretty bummed.

A single engagement with Emma Stone still sounds pretty expert.

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@moffattron9000 said:

@Redbullet685 said:

I'chiliad pretty sure the game glitched on me and I was only able to proceed a single engagement with Emma Rock and was pretty bummed.

A single date with Emma Stone nonetheless sounds pretty skillful.

Yeah I guess you're right. I take back what I said.

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I had no idea what in the fuck you were asking until I saw information technology in the Sleeping Dogs forum.

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Reviews: twoscore

User Lists: 16

@Ghostiet: I just wasn't certain if the cop stuff on the side is optional or if you accept to progress it at some point in order to keep the main storyline - as far as I remember those cases and your own case don't criss-cantankerous at whatever point.

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Are you lot talking about a Sim's: Hot Date challenge? :)

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They don't. They're just regular missions. Do them one after another. Nail, boom, boom.

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I love when you don't read the forum department of a thread and read information technology like someone request a question about life.

Anyway the dating is sort of the only matter in the game that feels one-half assed. I would take preferred them just having one date-able character who actually is part of the story.

Avatar image for fluxwavez

So substantially, there's no result for dating multiple women?

Was surprised when the offset fourth dimension I called Amanda had their relationship escalate so chop-chop. Disappointed to hear that that attribute of the game isn't well done.

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@FluxWaveZ: The simply consequence in the game of non dating multiple women is that you don't become a bunch of missions that issue from dating them. It's not similar Emma Stone will stay on your phone if you hold a torch for her.

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The scene where you face up the karaoke hostess for seeing some other dude was so stalkerish and crawly. Wei Shen is and then total of shit. Fabricated no sense but I loved it. Laughed my donkey off.

@FluxWaveZ said:

And then essentially, in that location's no effect for dating multiple women?

Was surprised when the get-go time I called Amanda had their relationship escalate then speedily. Disappointed to hear that that aspect of the game isn't well done.

When people say information technology's one-half assed they are so right. It feels like they didn't accept the time to cease it remotely and they merely left it all in the game. All the relationships stop super abruptly (when they seem to be going really well) and so the hostess 1 becomes serious out of seemingly nowhere to the point where Wei feels the need to blow up on her for seeing another dude. Like I say to a higher place, it's super clingy and stalkerish. It's kind of all dumb that information technology'south in the game simply the payoff for the hostess was worth information technology to me. Just and so unintentionally funny.

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I beloved that game, but certain aspects nigh the story left me hanging, like the "girlfriends", if you can telephone call them that. I was and so used to how other games handled dating/girlfriends, it took me halfway through the game to realize how Sleeping Dogs did it. I assumed, "Emma Stone's a big name, and so she'south probably my potential girlfriend for the whole game and at that place will be all this drama when she realizes I'm involved with the Triad but really an undercover cop...look, I'1000 dating the ditzy hostess from the gild now and I'k super jealous that she'due south with some guy even though I never went on a date with her because I'one thousand into the absurd electronic store girl? What the fuck merely happened?"

I disagree with Vinny, Sleeping Dogs is a cool game, only the story had potential but didn't get to the places information technology should've gone.

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@ArtisanBreads: I don't know if it's half-assed. In a way I'grand happy that they didn't force y'all to go on 10 dates or more with each girl to raise some invisible meter. Although I did savour some of the missions where you lot got to know your ain graphic symbol a little better through interaction with the girls.

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@Humanity said:

@ArtisanBreads: I don't know if it'south half-assed. In a fashion I'm happy that they didn't force you to go on 10 dates or more with each girl to heighten some invisible meter. Although I did enjoy some of the missions where you got to know your ain character a little amend through interaction with the girls.

To me information technology was clearly half assed and cut downward. If at that place were not missions cutting out of the hostess dating then I judge Wei is a totally psycho clinger. And he gets in a relationship with a girl and just completely cuts off contact with them for the balance.

As a few others have suggested, information technology should have just had 1 or two romances and had more depth to them.

The merely 1 that felt whole to me was the rich daughter near the end simply that was because that's totally the type of girl that would similar to bulldoze around in a fancy car with you and and then blindside and that's that.

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@ArtisanBreads said:

@Humanity said:

@ArtisanBreads: I don't know if it'due south one-half-assed. In a way I'chiliad happy that they didn't strength you to go on 10 dates or more than with each girl to raise some invisible meter. Although I did enjoy some of the missions where y'all got to know your own graphic symbol a lilliputian better through interaction with the girls.

To me information technology was clearly one-half assed and cut down. If there were non missions cut out of the hostess dating then I gauge Wei is a totally psycho clinger. And he gets in a relationship with a girl and just completely cuts off contact with them for the residuum.

Equally a few others have suggested, it should accept only had one or two romances and had more depth to them.

The only i that felt whole to me was the rich girl about the finish but that was because that'southward totally the blazon of girl that would like to bulldoze around in a fancy car with you and so blindside and that's that.

I agree with on how they didn't forcefulness you lot to take girls on pointless, non-mission dates to earn whatsoever "upgrades" the game had like they used to in titles like San Andreas or any, but it would've been nice if they cut down on the "ability fantasy, fuck-everything-that-moves" and focus on the few girls who seemed interesting and incorporate them into the chief story.

The racket wasn't as bad equally it was in GTAIV with Niko, but Wei is supposed to be this classy guy and suddenly he'southward stalking some adult female and cornering her even though he's moved on to someone else. Actually, in that location were a few instances where Wei did something uncharacteristic, but I suppose information technology was in lodge to proceed his cover.

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@wjb said:

@ArtisanBreads said:

@Humanity said:

@ArtisanBreads: I don't know if it's half-assed. In a manner I'm happy that they didn't forcefulness you to keep ten dates or more than with each girl to raise some invisible meter. Although I did savor some of the missions where you got to know your ain grapheme a piffling improve through interaction with the girls.

To me it was clearly half assed and cut downward. If there were not missions cut out of the hostess dating then I guess Wei is a totally psycho clinger. And he gets in a relationship with a daughter and just completely cuts off contact with them for the remainder.

As a few others have suggested, it should have just had one or ii romances and had more depth to them.

The only 1 that felt whole to me was the rich girl nearly the terminate simply that was because that'south totally the blazon of girl that would like to bulldoze around in a fancy automobile with y'all and and then bang and that's that.

I agree with on how they didn't force you to take girls on pointless, not-mission dates to earn whatever "upgrades" the game had similar they used to in titles similar San Andreas or whatever, merely information technology would've been nice if they cut down on the "power fantasy, fuck-everything-that-moves" and focus on the few girls who seemed interesting and incorporate them into the main story.

The noise wasn't as bad as it was in GTAIV with Niko, but Wei is supposed to be this classy guy and suddenly he'south stalking some adult female and cornering her even though he'southward moved on to someone else. Actually, there were a few instances where Wei did something uncharacteristic, but I suppose it was in order to continue his embrace.

I'thousand with you lot guys on thinking dating in the GTA games sucks, trust me.

Equally I said, just cutting information technology downward to ane or two girls and having information technology be fleshed out would have been just fine.

The thing is the hostess accident up could have been fine if it was earned. It really isn't ultimately uncharacteristic. Wei is a total hot caput and he gets overemotional. But you don't even keep a appointment with the daughter before you continue all the stalker missions so information technology seems and then bizarre and unearned. Or Wei is literally insane.

If the dating options in the game were just the initial white girl (tin can't remember her proper name) and the hostess and they were more fleshed out with their own "missions" of sorts, it would have been much better. You could have developed the hostess relationship and if you were seeing the other girl that moment actually would take been really fucking cool. Every bit is it's but dumb.

Avatar image for huser

@Molenator85 said:

Man, I thought this was a much different question until I saw it was under Sleeping Dogs. As for what y'all're really request, no idea, just started the game last dark.

Seriously. There's a finer, improve world out there that we plainly don't deserve, where this question was SO much more interesting.

Avatar image for artisanbreads

@huser said:

@Molenator85 said:

Man, I thought this was a much dissimilar question until I saw it was under Sleeping Dogs. As for what you're actually request, no thought, just started the game terminal night.

Seriously. There'southward a effectively, better world out there that nosotros apparently don't deserve, where this question was So much more interesting.

Tell me how to sleep with all the girlfriends.

Avatar image for humanity

Reviews: forty

User Lists: 16

@ArtisanBreads said:

@wjb said:

@ArtisanBreads said:

@Humanity said:

@ArtisanBreads: I don't know if it'south half-assed. In a way I'g happy that they didn't forcefulness you to get on 10 dates or more than with each girl to heighten some invisible meter. Although I did enjoy some of the missions where you got to know your ain character a little better through interaction with the girls.

To me it was clearly half assed and cut down. If there were not missions cut out of the hostess dating and then I guess Wei is a totally psycho clinger. And he gets in a relationship with a daughter and simply completely cuts off contact with them for the residue.

As a few others have suggested, it should have just had one or 2 romances and had more depth to them.

The merely one that felt whole to me was the rich girl well-nigh the finish just that was considering that'due south totally the type of girl that would similar to drive around in a fancy auto with you then bang and that'due south that.

I concur with on how they didn't forcefulness you to take girls on pointless, non-mission dates to earn whatever "upgrades" the game had like they used to in titles like San Andreas or whatever, but it would've been nice if they cutting down on the "ability fantasy, fuck-everything-that-moves" and focus on the few girls who seemed interesting and contain them into the primary story.

The dissonance wasn't equally bad every bit it was in GTAIV with Niko, but Wei is supposed to be this classy guy and all of a sudden he's stalking some adult female and cornering her even though he'southward moved on to someone else. Actually, at that place were a few instances where Wei did something uncharacteristic, simply I suppose it was in gild to keep his cover.

I'g with you guys on thinking dating in the GTA games sucks, trust me.

As I said, just cutting information technology down to i or two girls and having information technology be fleshed out would have been just fine.

The thing is the hostess blow upward could accept been fine if it was earned. Information technology really isn't ultimately uncharacteristic. Wei is a total hot head and he gets overemotional. But you don't even continue a engagement with the daughter before you lot go on all the stalker missions so it seems and then bizarre and unearned. Or Wei is literally insane.

If the dating options in the game were only the initial white girl (can't call back her proper name) and the hostess and they were more than fleshed out with their own "missions" of sorts, it would have been much improve. You could have developed the hostess relationship and if you were seeing the other girl that moment actually would have been actually fucking cool. As is it'south only dumb.

I but assume they put in these "dates" in lieu of dry tutorials. Each daughter introduces you to something new, even if you may have already did that through open world exploration. Amanda, the white girl, introduces you to the dojo, Ping to cameras, the hostess to karaoke I think and, laughably, the Russian girl has a free running segment in case you didn't know that existed in the game yet. I would accept liked to spend some more time with each girl or at to the lowest degree have some sort of tiny txt bulletin concluding each relationship - like for example Amanda sending yous a txt that she's going dorsum to the states. At the same time oh well - I don't care how in graphic symbol any of it was for Wei because the moment a mission was over I was riding by the sidewalk mowing people down with my doors so yah.

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I just always assumed in that location were meetings between them that weren't shown to the histrion (i.e. they went on more but one date).

  But yep, totally concord, they should've been mode more developed than they were. One of my few criticisms toward the game.

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I am sorely dissapointed in this

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@Humanity said:

I just presume they put in these "dates" in lieu of dry tutorials. Each girl introduces you to something new, even if y'all may accept already did that through open up world exploration. Amanda, the white girl, introduces you to the dojo, Ping to cameras, the hostess to karaoke I think and, laughably, the Russian girl has a costless running segment in case you didn't know that existed in the game withal. I would have liked to spend some more time with each girl or at least have some sort of tiny txt message terminal each human relationship - like for case Amanda sending you lot a txt that she's going back to united states of america. At the aforementioned time oh well - I don't care how in character any of it was for Wei because the moment a mission was over I was riding past the sidewalk mowing people down with my doors so yah.

To me, what you're proverb about them as tutorials is only how Sleeping Dogs was well designed to have then many things feed back into its gameplay. Like how the collectables gave you wellness or new moves. That kind of thing.

But yeah. I thought it was empty-headed but the game was still good. I think if they brand a sequel they tin can improve there.


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