12 Year Old Boy From Dysfunctional Family Upset Says He Can't Make Friends

istock_000006360956xsmall-150x150Equally we continue to expect at, investigate, try to understand and prevent tragedies like the mass murder at Sandy Hook Uncomplicated School, I thought information technology would be a good platonic to look at the three categories of people the ordinarily commit mass murder:

  • Those who are delusionally insane
  • Those who are securely and suicidally depressed
  • Psychopaths

In rare occasions there are combinations of the iii or substance users or in extremely rare cases, encephalon tumors that cause mental and behavioral changes such equally in the case of Charles Whitman.

When it comes to psychopaths nevertheless, they are the easiest to explain, and notwithstanding oftentimes go the most unnoticed.

Psychopathy is a type of personality disorder.

Many people think that they tin can identify a psychopath by the way they wait and deed, but that is not usually the case. Most psychopaths are very charming and very good at hiding their psychopathic tendencies until pushed or cornered.

Psychopaths seem to be born with an inability to empathise or feel lamentable for other people. They have a complete disregard for other peoples feelings and suffering and can commit horrible crimes, or tell painful lies without so much as batting an center.

Virtually psychopaths don't know that doing something is wrong because they seem to lack the gene that makes us feel bad, or guilty, when we do something wrong such as lying or hitting someone for no reason.

They often have to be taught and reminded over and again that something is bad or wrong, and then they have to remind themselves that it is bad or wrong, because they tin practice information technology and not feel bad about it at all.

They just don't seem to exist able to feel or intendance about other people or living things and may go along to torture animals in childhood if they are the sadistic blazon of psychopath and enjoys seeing/thinking of torturing other living things.

Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters seemed to fall into the category of a psychopath (besides called sociopath). He in one case wrote that humans were as disposable equally fungus in a petri dish.

His journal was littered with remarks nigh how much he hated people and wanted to kill everyone (I have a letter from a teenager I suspect may be a psychopath or budding 1 I will share later on).

Nevertheless, most psychopaths hide their hate or careless disregard for others and are commonly witty, endearing and charming.

Psychopaths with high IQs frequently go criminal chief minds, politicians, successful business people, etc. while ones with poor intellect and educational activity tend to stop up in jail more.

Levi King is a psychopath who went on a killing spree in 2005 that concluded with him killing 5 people in 2 different states including three people in i family unit and the family canis familiaris (he idea he had killed the whole family, but one piffling girl managed to survive by playing dead). He reported killing these people because it relieved tension he had been feeling and gave him a sense of peace for the outset time in his life.

As a child, Levi Male monarch once set his sis'south bedroom on fire because he was mad at her. As a teenager he even shot his cat to the point that it was literally diddled to pieces.  He also had broken into a home and sabbatum information technology on fire merely because he could.

As a child, he had all the signs and symptoms of a budding psychopath.

At the age of fifteen he dropped out of schoolhouse, started having run ins with the law and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 20. He was 23 when he committed the murders and expresses no remorse whatever. He is currently serving a life sentence.

Like all psychopaths, Levi King is unable to chronicle or feel for other people, although he is intelligent and charming enough to hibernate that flaw only like Ted Bundy was and then successful at doing.

General Characteristics of a Psychopath

  • self-eye and self-important. Nigh annihilation they practise for anyone is but because they see a benefit for themselves it.
  • demand stimulation and are easily bored.
  • deceptive behavior and lying
  • conning and manipulative
  • fiddling remorse or guilt
  • shallow emotional response
  • callous with a lack of empathy
  • living off others/ predatory attitude
  • poor self-control
  • promiscuous sexual behavior
  • early behavioral problems
  • lack of realistic long term goals
  • blaming other for their actions
  • short term relationships
  • juvenile malversation
  • short term relationships
  • breaking parole or probation rules
  • varied criminal action

Signs Your Child May Exist A Psychopath

  1. Setting fires
  2. Astringent cruelty to animals such as killing and torturing them
  3. Persistently hurts, bullies or violates the rights of others by stealing or vandalizing their holding.
  4. Continuously breaks major rules such every bit running abroad or breaking curfew despite knowing the consequences.
  5. Shows no guilt when confronted for doing incorrect (i.due east., pushing another student downwards the stairs).
  6. Shows a persistent callous disregard for other people'southward feelings, not but siblings (i.eastward., pushing another student down and existence unmoved by their crying or distress).
  7. Persistently doesn't intendance nigh how well they do in school, even when they know at that place are clear expectations and they are capable of doing better.
  8. They appear cold and unmoved, but showing emotions to intimidate or dispense others.
  9. Blame others for their mistakes instead of taking responsibility.
  10. Fearless, doing new and reckless/unsafe activities.
  11. They are unmoved by threats of punishment.
  12. They are highly motivated by reward and what they volition leave of doing something, fifty-fifty if that act volition hurt others (i.e., stealing, lying)

A combination of many of these signs lone are not plenty to be worried almost, but if there are enough signs and you are alarmed by your child's behavior, I would recommend having them seen by a mental wellness professional as they could exist signs of something else, such equally childhood trauma and PTSD.

Equally e'er, if you believe your child has behavioral problems, have them evaluated by a qualified professional person instead of attempting to cocky-diagnose them which tin can have damaging effects on your child.

*EDIT: Just yesterday (nine/25/13) I interviewed a 7th grader who has been making his own explosives, threatening to accident upwardly himself and/or other people, blowing upwards random things, tortuing his mother's cat, kicking and hit other students and teachers at his schoolhouse so much that he has gotten kicked out of school several times and his family is currently looking for a new identify to stay because they got kicked out of their apartment complex for his behavior and the fact that he has killed several ducks around the lake at the apartment complex. His mother brought him in considering she was scared of him and he had recently attacked his four year old sis for taking too long in the bathroom. When I asked him if he had any remorse for attacking his sister, hitting other people, having his family kicked out of their circuitous or killing the ducks, he flatly answered "no". Goose egg seemed to bear upon him, even the threat of hospitalization and jail. Without intense therapy at the least, I see this kid growing upwardly to be not only a menace to gild, merely potentially a psychopath. He stated clearly that he doesn't intendance about other people or their feelings and he has exhibited that on several occassions.

Beneath is a curt documentary done in 1992 about Beth Thomas, a kid who suffered from sexual abuse and reactive zipper disorder (I'll write about that in another post shortly) and seems to evidence early on signs of psychopathology.

Psychopaths are all effectually us in one grade of another. Read: The Psychopath Side by side Door by Martha Stout and Dr. Hare'southward book, "Without Censor" for more detailed information about psychopaths.


Source: https://licensedmentalhealthcounselor.org/2012/12/21/is-your-child-a-psychopath-signs-you-should-be-aware-of/

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